Electronic Delivery of Documents Consent

Updated: August 5, 2024

This electronic delivery of documents consent (this “Consent”) indicates how business will be transacted electronically by any person or entity that accesses or uses the Varuna website located at www.joinvaruna.com and all other related online services, websites, and applications (including mobile applications and websites), and any content therein (the “Website,” “Site,” or “Platform”), or any of the related services (a “User” or “you”), whether or not you register or make any investment in any security, and including unaffiliated third parties such as vendors, sponsors, issuers, and broker-dealers.

You agree that any you click or have clicked on an (“I Agree”), (“I Consent”), or other similarly worded button or entry field with your mouse, keystroke or other device, your agreement or consent is legally binding and enforceable against you and is the legal equivalent of your handwritten signature on an agreement that is printed on paper. you agree to be bound by any affirmation, assent or agreement that you transmit, or have transmitted, to or through the Platform by computer or other electronic device, including internet, telephonic and wireless devices, including but not limited to any consent you give or have given to receive communications from Varuna Technology, Inc.. or any of its affiliates, owners, officers, directors, shareholders, employees, associated persons, agents, consultants, attorneys, accountants, and other representatives of any of them, and including Varuna Manager, LLC  (collectively, “Varuna”) solely through electronic transmission. You agree that Varuna may create and store a version of any document to which you have provided electronic consent with your simulated signature affixed thereto and that such version shall be deemed an executed copy and a valid record of the agreed to document with the same effect as if such document had been originally executed by you. 

You understand that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any notices, disclosures, forms, privacy statements, reports or other communications, including any tax-related information or documents to the extent provided below (collectively, “Communications”), regarding the investments/products available on the Platform, and your investment in any such investments/products, may be delivered by electronic means, such as by e-mail or through www.joinvaruna.com. You consent to electronic delivery as described in the preceding sentence. In so consenting, you acknowledge that e-mail messages are not secure and may contain computer viruses or other defects, may not be accurately replicated on other systems or may be intercepted, deleted or interfered with, with or without the knowledge of the sender or the intended recipient. you also acknowledge that an e-mail from Varuna may be accessed by recipients other than you and may be interfered with, may contain computer viruses or other defects and may not be successfully replicated on other systems. You understand that Varuna gives no warranties in relation to these matters. 

You consent to the delivery of tax documents (including without limitation Internal Revenue Service Schedule K-1 through the Platform or through that of a Varuna vendor partner. You understand that you may withdraw this consent before your tax document is furnished. You also understand that tax documents, including without limitation IRS Schedule K-1, may be required to be printed and attached to a federal, state, or local income tax return. In providing this consent, you also acknowledge that you have received Varuna’s Information on the Electronic Delivery of Tax Documents, included below. You further understand and agree to each of the following: 

  • As long as your consent remains in effect, Varuna may provide all Communications to you electronically in lieu of providing paper Communications. 

  • Hardware and software that you will need. Electronic Communications may be provided to you via e-mail and/or the Platform. In order to view and retain the Communications, your computer hardware and software must, at a minimum, be capable of accessing the Internet, with connectivity to an Internet Service Provider or any other capable communications medium, and with software capable of viewing and printing a .pdf file created by Adobe Acrobat. Further, you must have a personal e-mail address capable of sending and receiving e-mail messages to and from Varuna. To print the documents, you will need access to a printer compatible with your hardware and the required software. 

  • If these software or hardware requirements change in the future, Varuna will notify you through the Platform. 

  • To facilitate these services, you must provide Varuna with your current e-mail address and update that information as necessary. Unless otherwise required by law, you will be deemed to have received any electronic Communications that are sent to the most current e-mail address that you have provided to Varuna. 

  • Varuna will not assume liability for non-receipt of notification of the availability of electronic Communications in the event your e-mail address on file is invalid, your e-mail or Internet service provider filters the notification as “spam” or “junk mail,” there is a malfunction in your computer, browser, Internet service and/or software, or for any other reasons beyond the control of Varuna. 

  • You may request a paper or nonelectronic form of this agreement or any Communications at any time by calling Varuna at (415) 412-9913. Varuna will provide a paper or nonelectronic copy of this agreement at no cost and may charge you a fee of $5 for each paper or nonelectronic copy of each Communication that would have been provided to you electronically. A request for a paper statement will not be treated as a withdrawal of consent to receive Communications in electronic form. 

  • You may withdraw your consent to receive Communications in electronic form by contacting Varuna at (415) 412-9913, investors@joinvaruna.com, or Varuna Technology, Inc., 251 Little Falls Drive, Wilmington, Delaware 19808.  Varuna will inform you if this contact information changes. If you withdraw your consent, Varuna will confirm the withdrawal in writing (either electronically or on paper) and provide the date on which the withdrawal will take effect. A withdrawal of consent does not apply to a statement that was furnished electronically before the date on which the withdrawal of consent takes effect. If you withdraw your consent to receive Communications in electronic form, Varuna may, at its option and in its sole discretion, (A) terminate your account with Varuna that was created through the Platform (“Your Account”), (B) restrict or limit the actions you may take through or with respect to Your Account, including, but not limited to, restricting your ability to purchase Varuna investment through Your Account, and (C) charge you a fee of $5 for each paper copy of each Communication that would have been provided to you electronically if you had not withdrawn your consent. Any withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic Communications will not affect or impact in any way the terms of this Agreement or your agreement to the Terms of Use Agreement for the Platform. 

Information on Electronic Delivery of Tax Documents 

These provisions relate to your consent above to Varuna’s provision of tax documents to you electronically. Prior to furnishing the tax documents electronically, the IRS requires that Varuna provide each investor with the following information: 

  • If you do not consent to receive the tax document electronically, a paper copy will be provided. 

  • Your consent continues for every tax year until you withdraw your consent. 

  • If these software or hardware requirements change in the future, Varuna will notify you through the Platform. 

  • You may log into Your Account at Varuna.com or a designated Varuna vendor site to access, print, and save your tax documents. You may need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open the document and a device connected to your computer that can print. In the event a tax document is too large to open in the browser, you will be prompted by a dialog box to save the file to a location on your computer and open it using Acrobat Reader. 

  • To withdraw consent, you may call Varuna at (415) 412-9913 to request to withdraw your consent. 

  • If Your Account is closed, your request for electronic delivery of tax documents will automatically terminate, and you will receive a paper copy of your tax documents by mail at the address that you have provided to Varuna. 

  • You may update your contact information by calling Varuna at (415) 412-9913. 

  • Your tax documents will be maintained for 10 years on Varuna.com or another designated site in case you ever need to access them.